Boolean Logic for Set-Coalgebras#
We build on concepts and examples explained previously, but try to keep this section self-contained from a technical point of view.
We specialise the setting from Coalgebraic Logic: Introduction as follows:
a functor \(T:Set \to Set\)
a functor \(L:{\sf BA} \to {\sf BA}\)
\(F\dashv U:{\sf BA} \to Set\)
\(P:Set\to BA\) given by \(PX=2^X\)
\(S:BA\to Set\) given by \(SA=BA(A,2)\)
\(\delta_X: LPX\to PTX\)
We have seen previously that modal logics for \(T\)-coalgebras can be described by giving \(L\) and \(\delta\).
Conversely, every sifted colimit preserving functor on a variety has a presentation and hence gives rise to a modal logic. Before we see how this works let us state some results needed later.
Proposition: Let \(L\) be a sifted colimit preserving functor on \({\sf BA}\). There is a functor \(L'\) that agrees with \(L\) on all non-trivial algebras and preserves filtered colimits. Moreover \(Alg(L)\cong Alg(L')\).
Lemma: Let \(H\) be a functor on \({\sf BA}\) and \(L\) a sifted colimit preserving functor on \({\sf BA}\) and \(LFn=HFn\) for all finitely generated free Boolean algebras \(Fn\). Then \(LA=HA\) for all finite non-trivial algebras \(A\).
Proof: Every finite non-trivial Boolean algebra is a retract of a finitely generated free one.
The logic of \(L\)#
As promised, we are going to show that every sifted colimit preserving functor on a variety has a presentation and hence gives rise to a modal logic.
Every sifted colimit preserving functor \(L\) on a variety is a quotient
where \(GX=\coprod_{n\in\mathbb N}ULFn\times X^n\). Since \(F\) is a left adjoint, the morphism \(q_A\) is the adjoint transpose of a morphism
which determines (and is determinedy by) the following modal logic.
The \(n\)-ary modal operators \(\sigma\) are the elements of \(ULFn\).
\(q_A\) maps \((\sigma,v:n\to UA)\) to \(L(v^\dagger)(\sigma)\) where \(v^\dagger\) is the adjoint transpose of \(v\).
The equations in \(n\) variables are the kernel of \(q_{Fn}\).
In particular the \((\sigma,v:n\to UA)\) are modal formulas
where \(\Delta=\sigma\) and \(a_i=v(i)\).
The set \(\Sigma\) of operations and the set \(E\) of equations constitute the presentation \(\langle\Sigma_L,E_L\rangle\) of \(L\).
Example: The variety of Boolean algebras with operator (BAO) is presented by the operations and equations of Boolean algebra plus a unary operation \(\Box\) and two equations specifying that \(\Box\) preserves finite meets.
Moss’s coalgebraic logic#
The first proposal for a logic of coalgebras parametric in the coalgebra functor \(T\) was Moss’s coalgebraic logic. It can be obtained by defining \(L\) via a presentation
where \(G=T\). Originally, Moss’s logic did not have equations, which corresponds to taking the \(q_{Fn}\) to be identities. This use of the functor \(T\) itself as a syntax constructor for a logic yields a very interesting presentation. This presentation is equivalent in expressiveness (in case \(T\) preserves weak pullbacks) to the ones we know from classical modal logic, but is quite different in terms of the opportunities it offers as a logical tool. For more see the section on Moss’s Coalgebraic Logic.
The logic of all predicate liftings#
Pattinson introduced predicate liftings to give a parametric treatment of coalgebraic logic that includes classical modal logic as an example. The logic of all predicate liftings can be defined in our setting in a natural way.
Remark: Note that Moss’s logic is defined by applying \(T\) directly to syntax, whereas here we want to use the duality given by \(S:{\sf BA} \to Set\) and \(P:Set\to{\sf BA}\) to keep \(T\) on the semantic side of the duality. In fact, we might have been tempted to simply define \(L = PTS\) and while this is still the guiding idea, this direct approach is only suitable if we start from a dual equivalence of base categories such as the one given by complete atomic Boolean algebras and Set or the one given by Boolean algebras and Stone spaces. Moreover, defining \(L=PTS\) will not, in general, result in a sifted colimit preserving functor and, thus, not, in general, allow us to find a finitary presentation of \(Alg(L)\) by operations and equations.
We define \(L=PTS\) on finitely generated free algebras:
We extend \(L\) to all algebras via sifted colimits (hence \(L\) preserves sifted colimits by definition).
Moreover, \(ULFn=UPTSFn\) is the set of all \(n\)-ary predicate liftings:
Since \(L\) preserves sifted colimits it has a presentation by operations and equations and this presentation presents \(L\) by all predicates liftings as
where \(GX=\coprod_{n\in\mathbb N}ULFn\times X^n\).
The semantics \(\delta_X:LPX\to PTX\) is given as follows. 
Every \(PX\) is a sifted colimit \(c_i:Fn\to PX\). Let \(c_i^\ast\) be the adjoint transpose. Since \(L\) preserves sifted colimits and since \(PTc_i^\ast\) is a cocone, \(\delta_X\) is well-defined.
In more detail, \(c_i:Fn\to PX\) is also a valuation of variable \(v:n\to UPX\) or also a tuple \((a_1,\ldots a_n)\) of subsets of \(X\). Its adjoint transpose \(X\to SFn\) combines the characteristic functions \(\chi_i\) of all the subsets \(a_i\) into one function \(X\to 2^n\), \(x\mapsto \langle\chi_1,\ldots\chi_n\rangle\). Now, given a modal operator \(\Delta\in UPTSFn = 2^{T{(2^n)}}\) we have that \(PTc_i^\ast(\Delta)\) is
which, as expected, coincides with the semantics of a modal operator as a predicate lifting.
Remark: Using the Lemma above (which is special to the category \({\sf BA}\)), we do not need to go via the finitely generated free algebras \(Fn\) and can define \(\delta_X\) for finite \(X\) directly as the isomorphism
which, in terms of the presentation of \(L\) by modal operators, corresponds to
on the left \(\Delta(a_1,\ldots a_n)\) is understood as syntax, that is, \(\Delta\in UPTSFn\) and \((a_1,\ldots a_n)\in (UPX)^n\) and
on the right \(\Delta(a_1,\ldots a_n)\) is evaluated by taking the predicate lifting \(\Delta\) as a function \({(2^X)}^n \to 2^{TX}\), that is, as a function \((UPX)^n\to UPTX\).
From Funtors to Predicate Liftings and Back#
Every sifted colimit preserving functor \(L\) with a semantics \(\delta:LP\to PT\) can be represented by predicate liftings. Conversely, each set of predicate liftings presents a functor together with a semantics. We summarize this corrspondence.
Starting with a functor \(L\), its presentation \(FGU\to L\) and its semantics \(LP\to PT\), we obtain its presentation by predicate liftings in the last line, where \(\Delta\) ranges over all elements of \(G_n\). Conversely, any collection of predicate liftings \(\Delta\) defines a functor \(L\) obtained from “climbing the ladder up” and quotienting the corresponding \(FGUPX\to PTX\).
Kurz-Rosicky: Strongly Complete Logics for Coalgebras, 2012.