Expressive Predicate Liftings#
(draft … references to be added)
For every functor \(T:\sf Set\to Set\) there is a natural transformation (\(n\) runs over all positive integers and the product is taken over all finitary predicate liftings)
which, for a choice of predicate lifting \(\triangle: T(2^n)\to 2\) and predicate \(\phi:X\to 2^n\), applies
to elements of \(TX\).
Proposition: The natural transformation is injective on all finite \(X\not=\emptyset\). [1]
Proof: Let \(s\not=t\in TX\). We have to show that there are \(n\), \(\phi\) and \(\triangle\) such that \(\triangle(T\phi(s))\not=\triangle(T\phi(t))\). We choose \(n\) and \(\phi\) so that \(\phi:X\to 2^n\) is injective. Since \(X\not=\emptyset\) it follows that also \(T\phi\) is injective, that is, \(T\phi(s)\not= T\phi(t)\). Finally, we choose some \(\triangle:T(2^n)\to 2\) that separates the two.
Remark: This proofs shows that any two distinct elements of \(TX\) are separated by some predicate \(X\to 2^n\) and predicate lifting \(T(2^n)\to 2\).
Remark: For finitary functors \(T\) we can drop the restriction to finite sets.
Corollary: For a finitary functor \(T:\sf Set\to Set\) the logic of all predicate liftings is expressive in the sense that for any two non-bisimular points there is a distinguishing formula.
(I can add a proof sketch if that turns out to be of interest.)
The results of this section are due to
Lutz Schroeder: Expressivity of coalgebraic modal logic. 2008.
An axiomatic approach generalising to other categories than Set was presented by
Bartek Klin: link text
The results can also be extended to the poset-enriched situation
Kapulkin, Kurz, Velebil: link text
where expressivity is the stronger property that the logic does not only detect bisimulation but also simulation.