Expressive Predicate Liftings


Expressive Predicate Liftings#

(draft … references to be added)

For every functor \(T:\sf Set\to Set\) there is a natural transformation (\(n\) runs over all positive integers and the product is taken over all finitary predicate liftings)

\[ TX\to \prod 2^{({2^n}^X)}\]

which, for a choice of predicate lifting \(\triangle: T(2^n)\to 2\) and predicate \(\phi:X\to 2^n\), applies

\[TX\stackrel {T\phi} \longrightarrow T(2^n)\stackrel\triangle\longrightarrow 2\]

to elements of \(TX\).

Proposition: The natural transformation is injective on all finite \(X\not=\emptyset\). [1]

Proof: Let \(s\not=t\in TX\). We have to show that there are \(n\), \(\phi\) and \(\triangle\) such that \(\triangle(T\phi(s))\not=\triangle(T\phi(t))\). We choose \(n\) and \(\phi\) so that \(\phi:X\to 2^n\) is injective. Since \(X\not=\emptyset\) it follows that also \(T\phi\) is injective, that is, \(T\phi(s)\not= T\phi(t)\). Finally, we choose some \(\triangle:T(2^n)\to 2\) that separates the two.

Remark: This proofs shows that any two distinct elements of \(TX\) are separated by some predicate \(X\to 2^n\) and predicate lifting \(T(2^n)\to 2\).

Remark: For finitary functors \(T\) we can drop the restriction to finite sets.

Corollary: For a finitary functor \(T:\sf Set\to Set\) the logic of all predicate liftings is expressive in the sense that for any two non-bisimular points there is a distinguishing formula.

(I can add a proof sketch if that turns out to be of interest.)


The results of this section are due to

An axiomatic approach generalising to other categories than Set was presented by

The results can also be extended to the poset-enriched situation

where expressivity is the stronger property that the logic does not only detect bisimulation but also simulation.