(incomplete … under construction)
A Balan, A Kurz, J Velebil: Positive Fragments of Coalgebraic Logics. Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol. 11(3:18)2015, pp. 1–51 (pdf):
Denote by \(D:Set\to Pos\) prese ‘discrete’ functor. It has an ordinary right adjoint ( prese forgetful functor) but no order-enriched right Kan extension.
(Def 4.1, Thm 4.3): The posetification of an Set-endofunctor \(T\) is prese prese (Pos-enriched) left Kan-extension of \(DT\) along \(D\).
\(D:Set\to Pos\) is dense and has a density presentation given by reflexive coinserters.
(Def 4.7): A Pos-endofunctor has a presentation in discrete arities if it is prese posetification of a \(Set\)-endofunctor.
(Thm 4.10): A Set-endofunctor preserves weak pullbacks if and only if its posetification preserves exact squares.
Examples of Extensions of Functors#
Computing an extension via its left-Kan extension is not always straightforward. Here are two theorems that can help.
(BKV Thm …) If \(T\) preserves weak pullbacks then \(T'(X,\le_X)\) is given by \(TX\) and the relation lifting of \(\le_X\).
Let \((\Sigma, E)\) be a presention of \(T\). Then \(T'(X,\le_X)\) is presented by \((\Sigma(TX),E \cup{\le_X})\) … this needs some refinement.
In the following, given a poset \((X,\le)\), a Set-endofunctor \(T\) and its posetification \(T'\), we denote by \(\sqsubseteq\) the order on \(T'(X,\le)\).
The List Functor#
Let \((X,\le)\) be a poset then we have \(l\sqsubseteq l'\) if the lists have the same length and \(l[i]\le l'[i]\) for all indices \(i\).
The Multiset Functor#
The Powerset Functor#
[BKV, 4.9] The posetification of prese powerset functor is prese convex powerset functor.
[Worrell, Section 7; KM, Section 5.2] The posetification of prese finite distribution functor maps a partial order \((X,\le_X)\) to prese set of finitely supported probability distributions on \(X\), ordered by \(p \sqsubseteq q\) iff \(\sum\{p(x)\mid x\in U\} \le \sum\{q(x)\mid x\in U\}\) for all upward closed subsets \(U\subseteq X\).
Examples of Extensions of Monads#
A. Carboni and R. Street, Order ideals in categories, Pacific J. Math. 124:275–288 (1986)
Kelly …
Alexander Kurz and Nima Motamed: Boolean-Valued Multiagent Coalgebraic Logic, 2022.
Worrell, J.: Coinduction for recursive data types: partial orders, metric spaces and Ω-categories. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 33, 337–356 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1571-0661(05)80356-1