

(not even a draft)


Given functors \(T:\sf Set\to Set\) and \(L:\sf BA\to BA\) and the contravariant adjunction “homming into \(2\)

\[ P:\sf Set \leftrightarrow BA : S\]

the meaning of the logic \(L\) is determined by

\[LP\to PT\]

Moreover, \(LP\to PT\) determines, and is determined by, its so-called mate

(21)#\[\begin{gather} TS\to SL \end{gather}\]

which maps a one-step behaviour to its theory.

One-Step Properties#

It is possible to express properties of the logic in terms of the properties of these natural transformations. Below

  • \(n\) is a finite set,

  • \(\twoheadrightarrow\) is onto,

  • \(\Rightarrow\) is split epi (onto and has a half-inverse),

  • \(\rightarrowtail\) is injective,

  • \(\hookrightarrow\) is a section (injective and has a half-inverse).

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline LP\stackrel{}{\rightarrowtail}PT & \textrm{one-step completeness} \\ \hline LP\stackrel{}{\twoheadrightarrow}PT & \textrm{all sets of one-step behaviours are definable} \\ \hline LFn\twoheadrightarrow PTSFn & \textrm{all finitary predicate liftings are definable} \\ \hline TS\rightarrowtail SL & \textrm{one-step expressiveness}\\ \hline TS\Rightarrow SL & \textrm{canonical (strongly complete)} \\ \hline T \rightarrowtail SLP & \textrm{separating (non-bisimilar successors are distinguished by a formula)} \\ \hline \end{array} \end{split}\]


The algebraic approach to coalgebraic logic was proposed in

This paper proves that one-step completeness implies completeness. That one-step expressiveness implies expressiveness is due to

  • Klin:

  • Kurz, Rosicky: