Moss’s Coalgebraic Logic#
(under construction)
Given a coalgebra \(\gamma:X\to TX\) and the set of all formulas \(\Phi\) and \(\theta\in T\Phi\), we define the semantics of the formla \(\nabla\theta\) via
where \(\widehat T\) is the relation lifting of \(T\).
Example: If \(T=\mathcal P\) the powerset functor and \(R\subseteq X\times Y\), then the relation lifting \(\widehat{\mathcal P}R\subseteq \mathcal PX\times\mathcal PY\) is given as follows.
Instantiating \(A=\gamma(x)\) and \(B=\theta\) we get
With \(\theta = \{\phi_1,\ldots\phi_n\}\) we can now rewrite this using \(\Box\) and \(\Diamond\) to obtain
Definition: The syntax of Moss’s logic [1] is given by the functor
and the semantics is given for finite sets \(X\) by the BA-morphism \(FTUPX \to PTX\) which is the adjoint transpose of the function \(TUP\stackrel\rho\longrightarrow UPTX\) that arises from applying the relation lifting of \(T\) to the elementship relation.[2]
Lawrence S. Moss: Coalgebraic logic, 1999.
Kurz, Leal: Modalities in the Stone age: A comparison of coalgebraic logics, 2012.